How do I say I love you in 15 languages? Please include flags emoticons.
Use suggestionTranslate from German to English the following text:
Use suggestionPlease provide the Spanish-to-English translation for these sentences:
Use suggestionTranslate the following English sentence into French: u0022Can you help me with my homework?u0022
Use suggestionProvide a Spanish translation for the phrase: u0022Where is the nearest train station?u0022
Use suggestionTranslate the sentence u0022I would like to order a large pizza with extra cheeseu0022 into Italian.
Use suggestionCan you provide a German translation for the phrase: u0022How much does this cost?u0022
Use suggestionTranslate the following English paragraph into Mandarin Chinese: u0022I am planning to visit Beijing next month. Can you recommend any popular tourist attractions?u0022
Use suggestion